• NHI – Renowned as a centre 'Par Excellence' for adult & paediatric surgeries, encompassing unparalleled expertise in Beating Heart Total Arterial Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.

    We cater to the entire spectrum of Cardiac and Vascular aliments:

    • Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery, especially Total Arterial Revascularization on Beating Heart (Off-Pump).
    • Valve Repair and Replacement Surgeries.
    • Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery.
    • Congenital Heart Surgeries for birth heart defects including holes in the heart and blue babies.
    • Surgeries for the Failing Heart
    • Aortic Surgery
    • Carotid Surgery
    • Peripheral Vascular Surgery including Varicose Veins
    • Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

    NHI surgeons have kept pace with new frontiers of cardiac surgery involving beating heart minimally invasive technologies with safe, precise, and reproducible results providing significant benefits to the patient in terms of safety, decreased postoperative pain & recovery time and early return to work.

    • A stellar rate of success in high-risk cases with impaired heart function.
    • Special expertise in using triple/Total Arterial Grafts sourced from the Internal Mammary, Radial and the Gastro-epiploeic arteries, benefiting patients with multiple arterial blockages, especially of a younger age group.
    • Narrowed or leaking heart valves successfully repaired or replaced with mechanical or tissue valves.
    • Excellent results in children with birth defects like blue babies, hole in the heart or an abnormal connection of great vessels.